Basic↦Protocol↦Study Protocol↦Aim
What is it? Why is it important?
The aim of a study or research protocol is to provide a detailed description of a planned study or research project.
Descriptions include the:
- Background and rational of the study
- Research question (e.g. study hypothesis, study outcome / endpoint, expected benefit)
- Study design (e.g. methodology, randomisation, intervention and control group)
- Study population (e.g. population descriptive)
- Safety considerations (e.g. study risk-benefit-ratio)
- Statistical analysis plan
- Authorities (e.g. Ethics Committee (EC), Swissmedic, FOPH, international authorities), laws (e.g. HRA, HRO, ClinO, ClinO-MD, data protection act), and regulations (e.g. ICH-GCP, ISO 14155, ISO 20916) under which a study will be conducted
- Data confidentiality (i.e. storage of health related data and biological material)
- Quality aspects (e.g. SOPs, WIs)
Prior to implementation, the protocol is reviewed and approved by the Ethics Committee (EC), and if applicable other regulatory authorities (e.g. Swissmedic (risk-category B and C), FOPH or international).
Once approved, the SP-INV, Site-INV, and project leader must ensure protocol specifications are complied with during study / project conduct.
Important incentives of having a well-defined protocol would be to:
- Convince others of the value and importance of one´s study or research project
- Provide transparency with standardize methods allowing for a successful replication by other researchers
- Facilitate the assessment of study results through peer reviews (evaluation by persons with same competence)
What do I need to do?
As a SP-INV or project leader, you are responsible for the write up of the study / research protocol, describing what you want to do, why you want to do it, and how you plan to do it.
Based on your study or research project, access the swissethics homepage and select the applicable template (e.g. an interventional study under ClinO, a research project under HRO)
When writing a protocol:
- Only use templates that have been approved by swissethics
- Preferably use the English language in order to reach an international audience
- Select qualified staff to support you in the write up of the protocol (e.g. statistician, monitor, data manager, regulatory expert)
Changes to an already approved protocol require the submission of a protocol amendment and initial approval by EC and as applicable Swissmedic.
Protocol deviations during study conduct must be handled by a SP-INV or project leader without delay.
Where can I get help?
Your local Research Support Centre↧ can assist you with experienced staff regarding this topic
Basel, Departement Klinische Forschung (DKF),
Lugano, Clinical Trials Unit (CTU-EOC),
Bern, Department of Clinical Research (DCR),
Geneva, Clinical Research Center (CRC),
Lausanne, Clinical Research Center (CRC),
St. Gallen, Clinical Trials Unit (CTU),
Zürich, Clinical Trials Center (CTC),
External Links
Swissethics – see in particular
- Templates / Checklists / “Flowchart to assist with the use of the template”
- Templates / Checklists / Study protocols / Requirement for study protocols according to HRA
ICH GCP E6(R2) – see in particular guidelines
- 1.44 Protocol definition
- 1.45 Protocol Amendment
- 6 Clinical trial protocol and protocol amendment(s)
ISO 14155:2020 Medical device (access liable to cost) – see in particular sections
- 6.4 Clinical Investigational Plan (CIP)
- Annex A CIP
Declaration of Helsinki – see in particular principles
- 21-22 Protocol requirements
Swiss Law
HRA – see in particular articles
- Art. 5 Scientifically relevant topic
- Art. 10 Scientific requirements
- Art. 11 Protection of participants / Subsidiarity
- Art 12 Protection of participants / Risks and burdens
- Art. 15 Safety and protective measures
ClinO – see in particular articles
- Art. 5 Rules of Good Clinical Practice
- Art. 18 Storage of health-related data and biological material
- Art. 19, 20, 49, and 61 Categorisation
- Art. 29, 34, 55 Changes
ClinO-MD – see in particular article
- Art. 6 Categorisation of clinical investigations
HRO – see in particular article
- Art. 5 Storage of health-related data and biological material
- Art. 7 Categorisation
- Art. 18 Changes