Basic↦Drug or Device↦Medical Device↦Definition
What is it? Why is it important?
A Medical Device (MD) is mainly used for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes and can be everything from to a highly complex programmable device such as a pacemaker. It includes any instrument, apparatus, implant, machine, appliance, implant, software, material or other similar or related article to be used, alone or in combination.
MDs also include:
- In Vitro Diagnostic (IVD) products used to test blood or tissue samples (e.g. various reagents and test kits), with the aim to monitor a person’s health in order to treat or prevent disease
- Certain radiation-emitting electronic products used to diagnose or treat disease, such as x-ray machines, eye-lasers
A MD tested in the scope of a study is named an Investigational Medical Device (IMD). In studies, IMD testing mainly focuses on the efficacy and safety of the device.
What do I need to do?
As a SP-INV or Site-INV get familiar with the definition of MD.
Studies with MDs require mandatory approval by:
- The Ethics Committee
- Swissmedic. Approval requirements are based on the study`s risk-category
- International, as applicable
Note: The “Drug & Device” section addresses Medicinal Products and Medical Devices. “In Vitro Medical Devices” are not discussed In the Easy-GCS.
Where can I get help?
Your local Research Support Centre↧ can assist you with experienced staff regarding this topic
Basel, Departement Klinische Forschung (DKF),
Lugano, Clinical Trials Unit (CTU-EOC),
Bern, Department of Clinical Research (DCR),
Geneva, Clinical Research Center (CRC),
Lausanne, Clinical Research Center (CRC),
St. Gallen, Clinical Trials Unit (CTU),
Zürich, Clinical Trials Center (CTC),
External Links
Swissethics – see in particular
- BASEC / List of documents required for submission
Swissmedic – see in particular
- About us / publications / Swissmedic videos / about Medial Device (MD)
ISO 14155:2020 Medical devices (access liable to cost) – see in particular sections
- 3.34 Medical Device (MD) definition
- 3.29 Investigational Medical Device (MD) definition
Swiss Law
HRA – see in particular article
- Art. 56a section 4. Federal council specification concerning clinical trials with Medical Devices (MD)
ClinO –MD – see in particular article
- Art. 1 Requirements pertaining to clinical trials of Medical Devices (MD)
MedDO – see in particular
- Art. 3 Medical Device definition
- Art. 4 Further definitions
TPA – see in particular article
- Art. 4 Medical Device (MD) definition